May's Guest Blogger
John Mahoney is the consummate car guy. Don't believe us? Go ahead. Ask him a question and try to stump him. We bet you can't! That's because John's been absorbing automotive tidbits since his first car magazine purchase in 1958 at just 8-years-old, which he still has by the way. In fact, he has every car magazine he's ever purchased, as well as an extensive collection of automotive books. John has also been a long-time member of the Vintage Auto Club of Ocean County, and is a founding member of the Vintage Automobile Museum of New Jersey, which currently resides in Point Pleasant. And, as you may have suspected, he's the father/father-in-law to Ryan and Saraphin Mahoney, the founders and owners of Coastal Classics. For more of his stories and to follow him on Facebook, click HERE.